
George (György) Soros

George (György) Soros was born on 8/12/1930 in Budapest. In 1947 he immigrated to the UK, where he got his degree from the London School of Economics in 1952. One of the wealthiest men in America and keen investor, Mr. Soros founded the multi-million dollar “Soros Fund,” and actively develops and supports philanthropic endeavors throughout the world, including Hungary and former Hungarian lands. He has also established educational institutions such as the Central European University. Soros achieved his lasting fame early on: Back in 1981 he was hailed as “the world’s greatest money manager” by the bible of the trade, Institutional Investor, which wrote: “As Borg is to tennis, Jack Nicholas is to golf and Fred Astaire is to tap dancing, so is George Soros to money management. “

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