
House of Hungary, Inc. is a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation, and is working under the rules in §501(c)(3) IRS code (exemption # 33-0920937).

Our By-Laws requires the Board of Directors be elected every year, the acting members of the board and the appointed officers are:

President:Zita Felfoldi (Felföldi Zita)
1. Vice President:Peter Marton (Márton Péter)
2. Vice President:Kinga Pocsveiler (Pocsveiler Kinga)
3. Vice President:Adel Szabo (Szabó Adél)
Treasurer:Jolan Rakosi (Rákosi Jolán)
Secretary:Anna Hajdu (Hajdu Anna)
1. HPR Delegate:Daniel
2. HPR Delegate:Eszter Kalman (Kálmán Eszter)

HOUSE OF HUNGARY is open Saturdays and Sundays from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

Come visit, you will have the opportunity to meet your fellow Hungarians and guests from around the world.

Want to be a host or hostess to serve coffee and homemade pastries?

Please pick a Saturday or Sunday and signup at