Event: CANCELLED!!! Hungarian Folk Music and Dance Performance by the Flaska Banda and Zemplén Néptáncegyüttes

  • Mar 21st

Due to Coronavirus health concerns and the closure of the Hall of Nations the concert and dance performance is CANCELLED!

A Koronavírus elleni óvintézkedések és a Hall of Nations bezárása miatt a koncert ELMARAD!!

We invite you to an amazing Hungarian Folk Music and Dance Performance with nineteen performers, musicians and dancers by the Flaska Band and Zemplén Néptáncegyüttes and “Táncház” (Dance House) in the Hall of Nations in Balboa Park (2191 Pan American Rd W, San Diego, CA 92101).

The “Flaska Banda” Hungarian folk music band was founded in 2014.

Since then, they have worked as accompanying bands for several Hungarian folk dance groups and have performed in several countries including Belgium, France, Poland, Kazakhstan, Slovakia, Portugal, Turkey, China, Great Britain, Lithuania, Czech Republic, and the United States.

Some of the band’s accomplishments they are very proud of:

  • In Beijing, a live broadcast of their show reached 22 million viewers, earning them recognition from the city.
  • During their tour in Belgium, they broadcast 2000 times 3 times a day for 12 days.
  • In Turkey, they won the first prize with the Debrecen Folk Ensemble in the 2019 Büycekmece World Tour with 26 countries participating.

It is a special honor for them to work as a permanent band of the Hungaricum Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and to represent Hungarian folk music as its cultural ambassador.

Purchase Tickets at the door: Adult- $10 ,  18 & under – Free 

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