Híres Magyarok

Zoltán Rozsnyai

Zoltán Rozsnyai was born in Budapest, on January 29th, 1926. He is a graduate of the Franz Liszt Academy of Music, where he studied under Zoltan Kodaly, Bela Bartok, and Ernest von Dohnanyi, among others. Already a concert pianist at the age of 10, he was one of the youngest students ever accepted by the […]

Ágoston Haraszthy

Born 8/30/1812, Futak, Hungary, died 7/6/1869. “Father of California Wine Culture!” – Ronald Reagan. Hungarian Nobleman.  After serving in the Hungarian Diet, took up the cause of the democratic revolutionary Louis Kossuth. Feeling the heat after the arrest of Kossuth, he traveled throughout Europe and came to America in 1840. He found his way to California […]

Kövessen minket

A Magyar Ház szombatonként és vasárnaponként 12 és 16 óra között tart nyitva.

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