Híres Magyarok

József Galamb

(b. 1881, d. 1955) One of the most talented technical forebears in American automotive industry, József Galamb had a very eventful career. He was born in the small Hungarian town of Makó in 1881. Few years after his graduation from the Budapest Technical University, he crossed the Atlantic to try his luck at the Ford […]

Ányos Jedlik

(b. 1800, d. 1895) Jedlik was born in the county of Komarom and was educated in Nagyszombat and Pozsony, all Hungarian cities before the treaty of WWI. After his educations he joined the order of Benedictine and became a lecturer in their schools. In 1839 he started lecturing at the Budapest University of Sciences department […]

Béla Barényi

(b. 1907, d. ) Béla Barényi was born in the Austro-Hungarian Empire to Austrian and Hungaian parents. He completed his engineering studies at the Technikum in Vienna. In 1925, he designed the famous Volkswagen Beetle. Because Porsche was later credited with the invention (1938), Berényi took legal action in 1955. The German Courts and the […]

József László Bíró

(b. 1899, d. 1985) Bíró, a Hungarian journalist, magazine publisher, sculptor, and painter, during a visit to a printer’s noticed how quickly the printer’s ink dried. It occurred to him that this fast-drying ink would work well in a fountain pen. This dense ink, however, would not flow through a pen. Therefore, Biro decided to […]

Miksa Déri, Ottó Bláthy, Károly Zipernowsky

Miksa Déri – (b. 1854, d. 1938) Ottó Bláthy – (b. 1860,  d. 1939) Károly Zipernowsky – (b. 1853, d. 1942) Their names are mentioned together by historiography. The great triad of Miksa Deri, Otto Titusz Blathy, and Karoly Zipernowsky (left to write) was connected by the invention of the transformer and worked at the famous […]

Baron Loránd Eötvös

(b. 7/1848 Budapest, d. 4/1919 Budapest) Eötvös, after his primary and secondary education in Budapest, studied physics from Kirchhoff in Heidelberg and later came back to Budapest to complete his doctorate. Scientific literature and usage bears ample evidence of his inventions: the Eötvös Law of Capillarity; the Eötvös Unit of Gravitation (roughly one-billionth of a […]

Donát Bánki, János Csonka

Donát Bánki – (b. 1859, d. 1922),  János Csonka – (b. 1852, d. 1939) Until 1893, there had been many problems with the ignition of petrol engines due to uneven mixing of gases. Banki and Csonka, two Hungarian engineers and inventors, suggested that the fuel should be atomized into small particles and mixed with air […]

János Irinyi

(b. May 17, 1817, Nagyléta, Hungary  – d. 1895) Irinyi was born in Nagyléta, attended middle school in Nagyvárad and later studied law in Debrecen.  He acquired his chemical knowledge at the Vienna Polytechnikum. During one of his professor’s experiments, he solved the puzzle of making silent matches. After long hours of experimentation he patented […]

Kálmán Kandó

(b. 1869, Budapest, d. 1931) Kandó attended high school in Budapest, and obtained his diploma as a mechanical engineer at the Technical University of Budapest. After some years in France, working on the design and development of Tesla’s induction motor, he came back to Budapest, and joined the Ganz Factory, where he did most of […]

János Bolyai

(b. 15 Dec 1802 Kolozsvár, Hungary/Transylvania  d. 27 Jan 1860, Hungary/Transylvania) Bolyai was educated by his father, famed mathematician Farkas (Wolfgang) Bolyai, in Marosvásárhely and by the time he was 13 had mastered calculus and other forms of analytical mechanics. Bolyai also was an accomplished violinist and was an accomplished linguist speaking nine foreign languages […]

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