Event: Tornázzunk együtt! / Let’s do excercises together!

  • Mar 23rd

Március 23-án este 7 órától újra együtt tornázunk a Magyar Házban! Rita ez alkalommal a szokásos kardio gyakorlatokon kívül hatásos kar- és hasizom er?sít? feladatokkal készül. Ne felejtsetek el matracot hozni!

March 23rd 7-8pm: cardio and strength training exercise with Rita at the house again! Rita will show you very effective exercises for the arms and abs on Thursday. Bring your yoga mats and be ready to sweat!

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HOUSE OF HUNGARY is open Saturdays and Sundays from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

Come visit, you will have the opportunity to meet your fellow Hungarians and guests from around the world.

Want to be a host or hostess to serve coffee and homemade pastries?

Please pick a Saturday or Sunday and signup at