Event: Magyar Filmek Klubja – Hungarian Movie Club

  • Jan 22nd - Jan 22nd

Kedves Tagok,


Az Emigráns c. film kerül vetítésre pénteken a Valami Amerika helyett. 

A film (dráma) Márai Sándor naplója alapján készült és több jelenetet itt San Diegoban forgattak.

Finom pattogatott kukoricával várunk Titeket!



Dear Members,

This Friday, jan.22 from 7 pm we will be showing another Hungarian film The Emigrant  about Sándor Márai, instead of  A kind of America.

Many scenes in this drama were filmed in San Diego.

There will be English subtitles.

Will have fresh popcorn for everyone!


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HOUSE OF HUNGARY is open Saturdays and Sundays from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

Come visit, you will have the opportunity to meet your fellow Hungarians and guests from around the world.

Want to be a host or hostess to serve coffee and homemade pastries?

Please pick a Saturday or Sunday and signup at